Manuscript Preparation


Please write your text in proper English; American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of both. Contributors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts read by a native speaker before submission. We only accept manuscripts written in English.

Structure of the book

The manuscripts should be structured as follows:

  • Title Page;
  • Illustrations (if any);
  • Acknowledgments (if any);
  • Abbreviations (if any);
  • Table of Contents;
  • Text Body (chapter contents and notes);
  • Bibliography;
  • Index (if any).

Title page

Title, authors’ names, and authors’ affiliations should be included. The title is often used in information-retrieval systems and should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. The title page should be a Microsoft Word document.

Illustrations (if any)

The equations, tables, and figures should be listed with titles and page numbers. The titles should be placed left justified with the page number on the right.

For example:

Table 1. Estimated Distance (cm) for Letter and Digit Stimuli                                                                      23

Figure 1. Figure Title                                                                                                                               46

Acknowledgments (if any)

Acknowledgments of family members, friends, funds, etc., should be included in this section.

Abbreviations (if any)

Standard abbreviations should be listed in a section labeled “Abbreviations.” On the Abbreviations page, define each abbreviation used in the manuscript, e.g., APA American Psychological Association.

Table of Contents

All chapter titles and headings should be listed with corresponding page numbers left blank. (Page numbers will be assigned during typesetting.)

Preparation of Text Body

Text formatting

Please use the following rules for the text, except for the chapter titles and headings:

  • Font: Times New Roman, size: 10 pt.
  • Paragraph Spacing: above paragraph — 0 pt.; below paragraph — 4 pt.
  • Line Spacing: fixed, 12 pt.
  • Placement on Page: all main text should be left-aligned (do not center or use justification).
  • Sentence spacing: use only a single space to separate sentences.


Each chapter title should begin with “Chapter,” e.g., “Chapter 1. Introduction.”

The chapter title should be left-aligned and begin on a new page.

Please use the following rules for the chapter titles:

  • Font: Times New Roman; size: 16 pt.
  • Paragraph Spacing: above paragraph — 10 pt.; below paragraph — 100 pt.
  • Line Spacing: fixed, 20 pt.


Please do not use more than three levels of numbered headings (if required).

Heading 1: Times New Roman, 11 pt., bold; for example: First-level Heading

Heading 2: Times New Roman, 10 pt., bold, italic; for example: Second-level Heading

Heading 3: Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic; for example: Third-level Heading

Please use the following rules for the headings:

  • Paragraph Spacing: above paragraph — 10 pt.; below paragraph — 10 pt.
  • Line Spacing: fixed, 12 pt.


The text size of equations should be similar to normal text size. The formula should be centered with the serial number on the right. For example:

                                             a=[(1+b)/x]1/2                                 (7.1)



Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the book chapter. For example: Table 4.1 and Table 5.2 indicate the first table in Chapter 4 and the second table in Chapter 5.

Place a table’s caption above the table’s body and its description below the body. Avoid vertical rules.

Figures and Schemes

Number figures consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the book chapter. For example: Figure 4.1 and Figure 5.2 indicate the first figure in Chapter 4 and the second figure in Chapter 5.

Place a figure’s caption and description below the figure body. A minimum resolution of 300 DPI is required.

Note. Avoid abbreviating the titles of tables, figures, and equations (e.g., “Table,” not “Tab.” 1.1; “Figure,” not “Fig.” 2.1; “Equation,” not “Eq.” 3.3) in the caption or in running text. Do not write “the table above/below” or “the figure on page 32,” because the position and page number of a table or figure cannot be determined until the pages are typeset.


Please avoid using footnotes. Change footnotes to endnotes. Insert digital superscript in the running text and explain the note in the Notes section placed at the end of each chapter.


Cite the work of those individuals whose ideas, theories, or research have directly influenced your work. They may provide key background information, support or dispute your thesis, or offer critical definitions and data. Citation of an article implies that you have personally read the cited work. In addition to crediting the ideas of others that you used to build your thesis, provide documentation for all facts and figures that are not considered common knowledge. The citation in the text and the Bibliography should be in accordance with the APA format.

Appendix (if any)

The Appendix comes after the Bibliography. In the text, refer to appendices by their labels: e.g., “…produced the same results for both studies (see Appendices A and B for complete proofs).”

Index (if any)

List the words and expressions with the page numbers on which they may be found.